• Welcome to Moodle

      Moodle is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which allows you to communicate, collaborate and share information with your tutor and other students. We hope that you will make use of Moodle to enhance your learning experience. 

      When you are enrolled on your course on Moodle you can see your hand-outs online. You can take part in quizzes, do assignments and much more... 

      Once you logged in to your course you will be presented with content in various formats, from basic hand-outs and classroom notes to videos, quizzes and activities. It's a good idea to check Moodle regularly so you don't miss anything!

      Moodle is a collaborative resource, meaning that the more you get involved (and the more often you access your Moodle page) the more it will enhance your learning journey. Over time the potential for different and interesting ways of learning will become apparent, so please persevere!

Site news

Festive Jumper Week

di Sarah Amram -

Thank you to everyone who participated and made a contribution to last week's festive jumper week.  We have collected over £100.00 for a local food bank and we will still be accepting donations this week.

We really appreciate your generosity and we wish you all a happy and healthy festive season and New Year!

AAL Team


di Nick Fenn -

Welcome to an new academic year!

one of our key areas of focus this year is to improve attendance in all our classes we would like to take this up from 82% to 87% this year.

We are keen to hear from you about what we can do to make classes easier to attend. For example, we are looking at enabling students to attend virtually if they really cannot attend (nothing is better than being there!).

Anyway, if you have any further ideas, please do email studentvoice@aal.org.uk, we'd love to hear from you.

Good luck with your studies with us in the year ahead, we wish you every success!

Nick Fenn

Principal AAL

Hate Crime

di Sarah Amram -

Hate crime

At AAL we have a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime:

Hate crimes can include:

·         racist and religiously motivated incidents and crimes

·         LGBT hate incidents and crimes

·         disability hate incidents and crimes

·         domestic violence 

·         anti-social behaviour


If you, or someone you know has been a victim of Hate Crime, this can be reported in the following ways:


·         Contact AAL’s Safeguarding team at staysafe@aal.org.uk

·         Phone 999 in an emergency and ask for the police.

·         If it isnot an emergency, you can also contact the policephone 101

·         or report online Hate crime | Police.uk (www.police.uk)

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